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Saturday, June 22, 2019

Turning multi-lingual... The Station Master soon to be in Bengali!

My book, The Station Master, is soon going to be available worldwide in Bengali! Ananda Publishers, the biggest publishers of Bengali literature in India, has picked up the book for this purpose. It couldn't be a happier moment for me. While the launch date is yet not known, the translation work is progressing apace and it should be around the end of this year that it comes out.

The manner in which this enhances reach is perhaps understandable, and like I hear, which Bengali--indeed, Indian--doesn't like a train-related tale told well! Laughing Those crisp ten stories are poised to acquire a new romance in the language of romance, Bengali...

My ambition is to also get a few other translation done... soon. Hindi is obvious and why not Tamil, Telugu, Kannada, Malayalam, or Gujarati, Marathi, Punjabi, and so on? Surely, an author can dream! The more readers read of this intrepid but humane Indian Railways official, the better I daresay for all such officials... for the reader will know of the conditions they work in, the challenges they deal with, the tragedy and the drama that happen so quietly, so hidden from the eyes of the average train passenger. And all that they do and need to do, to keep the wheels in motion, far oftener smoothly than not.

Do read, and spread the word about it.

Till the next time, with more news and updates... cheerio! 

Sat, June 22, 2019 | link          Comments

Wednesday, March 20, 2019

Three Books!

Three Books!

Off the Pages (latest!), The Station Master, and, Re-Kill... on Amazon (and others for The Station Master)

Off the Pages


Imagine. What if... Sherlock Holmes had


 resented his life? And had wanted to confront Sir Arthur Conan Doyle about it, wanting a different life?

That's exactly what Tej Singh, a crime investigator, did. He dropped in on his creator, author Dev Narayan, one fine evening. He was fed up of his life, he said. In his own words, he had "...a life that’s quite filled with crime, whizzing bullets, falling bodies, shrieking women, and nasty criminals..."

So what would Dev Narayan do? Would he fulfil Tej's demands? How? And if he were to indeed fulfil, what would he do after letting go of his meal-ticket character? Quandary!

Get your book... NOWLaughing

Click on the appropriate link below in the table to access the edition you want (will open in a new browser window): 


eBook (only!) 












So well, there are then three books available for purchase online. Here's the trio!


Re-Kill is a novelette eBook about an assassin who has never failed... until now. Confronted by an unexpected failure, what does he do? Redeem himself in his own eyes? On a speeding train? A closed-door mystery... with a savage twist!


Get Re-Kill here (Amazon India link) or here ( link)!


The Station Master is a collection of real-life short stories based on the amazing adventures of a now-retired Indian Railways Station Master posted in the state of Bihar, India. A seldom--if ever--point-of-view narration of actual experiences that will thrill, amaze, instruct, and amuse! Don't miss it!


Get The Station Master here (Amazon India link) or here ( link)!



 Off the Pages... Ah well, you know all about this book right for the top of this post! Laughing The links are there too... go get 'em, champ! 





Wed, March 20, 2019 | link          Comments

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About Indranil

Indranil Mukherjee is an aspiring author of fiction but a long-time amateur writer, who has taken a break from his software career to give expression to his main passion: Writing. And if provided with timely sustenance to keep body and soul together, he loves to read. Besides these, he digs driving, travelling to all corners of the world, sampling all variety of food, meeting people, learning new stuff, listening to music, and about a couple of hundred other things. Curious about life, and armed with 25 years’ worth of experience observing people from all over the world while working with them, he fancies he has stories to tell. Rather nifty ones.

Besides completing this collection of short stories based on an Indian Railways officer’s real-life experiences--he already has a novelette eBook selling on Amazon titled "Re-Kill: when an assassin's professional pride is hurt..."--he has several works underway that comprise sci-fi, fantasy-humour-adventure, thriller, and has a maelstrom of other plots whirling in his head that occasionally meld nicely to create interesting dreams. And yes, a spot of scripting too.

Indranil is married to Sanghamitra, and they live in Delhi, along with their mother. Their son, Ayoush, lives in the US, big into data.

He can be found right here where his blog lives, awaiting updates on life, the universe, and everything.

You can contact him directly on this mail ID: 

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